Lighting Types

Cinema 4D has a variety of lighting options aside from the default light that is provided with each new scene. Each light has its own properties and potential uses.

1. Omni light: This is the default light selected when creating a new Light Object. Omni lights project rays of light in all directions from a single point in space, very much like a traditional light bulb.

2. Spot light: Like a spot light in theater, C4D’s spot lights emit rays in a conical fashion, always along the Light Object’s Z axis. Spot lights have a very bright center and slowly fall off to darkness toward the edge of the cone. The size of the cone can be changed to reach the desired effect. Spot lights are great for creating dramatic lighting.

3. Infinite light: The infinite light emits rays in a single direction rather than from a single point in space. Regardless of the position of the light along its Z axis, infinite lights will emit light evenly across the entire scene, responding only to the direction of the Z axis. This light type can be useful form mimicking sunlight.

4. Are light: Area lights emit light in all direction from a rectangular surface rather than a point in space. The size of the rectangular surface can be changed to mimic the soft glow from computer monitors and television screens, or the diffused overhead lighting provided by fluorescent lights. The size of the light and proximity to an object have an effect on the specularity and overall lighting quality.

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